Sunday, May 20

Day off: Eight

I finally got some projects done around the house! I framed the artwork from your open studio, but I need to go get some paper to mount it on since it's currently mounted on the back of the frame, which is the brown you see. The little ceramic piece is for our salt and I put some new towels in the bathroom.
Saturday's Mail 

Salt container 

Cello artwork

Bathroom Stripes

Elsie was a big distraction and kept laying at my feet so I would play with her.  

Tuesday, May 15

Day off: four

I had an eventful Tuesday. I had some delicious Farmer's Market finds. I've been going enough that I've noticed different fruits and vegetables coming in and going out of season. Apricots and peaches were the big new find today. My granola guy also recognized me; I'm starting to feel like a regular. After yoga tonight I cooked dinner with my broccoli from the market along with some salmon and quinoa. I'm trying to change my ways!

Tuesday, May 1


I am listening to Jeff Buckley, which makes me think of my friend. :)