Monday, January 30


Whit sent this to me. I love how bright and airy this room is.

Wednesday, January 25

Coffee cake.

(Get it? hahahaha). I know this is late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY (again).

Monday, January 23

Birfday Cake

We made my Birthday cake with the kids in Nebraska! That's homemade chocolate sour cream frosting with yellow cake! It came it so well.

Friday, January 13


Bringing pb&j to work makes me think of you. And yes, that's peanut butter on both sides of the bread. ;)

Thursday, January 12

Knit sh*t

Since our Nebraska trip is in less than ten days I finally pulled out the scarf that I started for Drew's mom two years ago. Ooops. I'm frantically rushing to finish it before we get there. She picked out the yarn herself and has been patiently waiting for me to get my act together. In fact- I better get some knitting done before work this morning!

Wednesday, January 11

Monday, January 9

First post of the new year!!!

I can't believe we haven't posted since December 30th. Goes to show, we've both been uber busy.

So....I've recently discovered paper cutting and other paper art. It's weird to think about b/c I started experimenting with paper and wire before the last art show without really thinking much of it. Then, I made that lampshade because I had extra paper lying around. Then, I was at a bookstore and saw this great book on papercutting artist, which Whitney got me for my birthday. And then in Portland, I got this really awesome book that shows all sort of paper arts, like origami and stuff. Anyways, in the studio yesterday I just played with paper for a few hours.

I think I found my medium. We'll see....