Thursday, March 22

Jane a Day.

Thank you!

My morning started with a Jane-a-Day entry and that latte from Starbucks. I think I'm going to make it my morning ritual at work.

You're in San Francisco now!!!!!

Friday, March 16

Sue Paraskeva

Part of me put this vid up so I couldn't forget it. Haha. It's a beautiful vid about the whole process of throwing the bowl on the wheel. The music is perfect as is the black and white it's shot in. For me, it really captures how I feel when I 'm throwing. I was thinking of taking classes again, and now I'm definitely going to. Haha.

Sue Paraskeva // Artist profile from Jamie Isbell on Vimeo.

Saturday, March 10

Doing Stuff Around the House

I got some work done around the house over the last two days! 
Repotted some plants:
Framed your art: 
Added a lamp...

 ...and built some new bedside tables. 

Thursday, March 8

Magpie to the Morning.

Magpie comes a calling, drops a marble from the sky
Tin roof sounds alarming, wake up child
“Let this be a warning” says the magpie to the morning, “Don’t let this fading summer pass you by."

I love the image of this. SO obsessed w/ Neko Case, what can I say.

Thursday, March 1


"It was just one of those completely unexpected, acts of providence where two worlds collided and something wonderful came from the point that they touched."

I tried to find a picture that matched this, but couldn' maybe I'll paint one.

I've been listening to a lot of This American Life recently, and am just reminded how powerful a truly good story is. It was one on Conventions, particularly the last segment: