Monday, October 22

Thursday, September 6

Elsie's new brother

I forgot to mention on the phone today that we've got another animal in the house now. He's an aligator lizard that Drew named Bucky. Three weeks ago we found him in our shower so Drew caught him and let him go outside. Then about a week ago we found him in the kitchen and Drew was convinced that it was the same lizard. He caught him again and let him go. Then a few days ago Drew found him right inside the front door and decided that Bucky wanted to live with us and as you can see in the pictures below- he's got his own room now.                        
I had to go buy crickets for him to eat today. Drew asked me to get the crickets sprinkled with calcium. I think the lizard is here to stay...

Tuesday, August 14


This was posted in my stockroom when I got back from vacation. After days like yesterday I'm glad it's there for a reminder.

Wednesday, July 25

Blanket coat

Ever do this as a kid? Who needs a robe?!?

Thursday, July 5

Dove Chocolates are Insightful.

Ya know how inside the individual Dove chocolates, they have quotations?  Mine said:

"Do all things with love." 

I liked it and wanted to share.  I'm not sure who or where it's from, but will look into that.

Wednesday, July 4


Think my eyes are protected enough? I noticed all three pairs of these laying on the coffee table this morning and I realized how silly it is that I have three pairs of glasses that do three different things. I'm pretty sure it's possible to get all three in one place...

Thursday, June 14


Thank you for the letter, friend. I've re read it at least ten times. It's beautiful. 

Sunday, May 20

Day off: Eight

I finally got some projects done around the house! I framed the artwork from your open studio, but I need to go get some paper to mount it on since it's currently mounted on the back of the frame, which is the brown you see. The little ceramic piece is for our salt and I put some new towels in the bathroom.
Saturday's Mail 

Salt container 

Cello artwork

Bathroom Stripes

Elsie was a big distraction and kept laying at my feet so I would play with her.  

Tuesday, May 15

Day off: four

I had an eventful Tuesday. I had some delicious Farmer's Market finds. I've been going enough that I've noticed different fruits and vegetables coming in and going out of season. Apricots and peaches were the big new find today. My granola guy also recognized me; I'm starting to feel like a regular. After yoga tonight I cooked dinner with my broccoli from the market along with some salmon and quinoa. I'm trying to change my ways!

Tuesday, May 1


I am listening to Jeff Buckley, which makes me think of my friend. :)

Friday, April 27


I finally put stuff above my couch where the blueprints were.

Monday, April 16

Sausage Class

We learned how to stuff and roll our own sausage last night...
...and now we have sausage for days because we left with 10 lbs of it!

Thursday, March 22

Jane a Day.

Thank you!

My morning started with a Jane-a-Day entry and that latte from Starbucks. I think I'm going to make it my morning ritual at work.

You're in San Francisco now!!!!!

Friday, March 16

Sue Paraskeva

Part of me put this vid up so I couldn't forget it. Haha. It's a beautiful vid about the whole process of throwing the bowl on the wheel. The music is perfect as is the black and white it's shot in. For me, it really captures how I feel when I 'm throwing. I was thinking of taking classes again, and now I'm definitely going to. Haha.

Sue Paraskeva // Artist profile from Jamie Isbell on Vimeo.

Saturday, March 10

Doing Stuff Around the House

I got some work done around the house over the last two days! 
Repotted some plants:
Framed your art: 
Added a lamp...

 ...and built some new bedside tables. 

Thursday, March 8

Magpie to the Morning.

Magpie comes a calling, drops a marble from the sky
Tin roof sounds alarming, wake up child
“Let this be a warning” says the magpie to the morning, “Don’t let this fading summer pass you by."

I love the image of this. SO obsessed w/ Neko Case, what can I say.

Thursday, March 1


"It was just one of those completely unexpected, acts of providence where two worlds collided and something wonderful came from the point that they touched."

I tried to find a picture that matched this, but couldn' maybe I'll paint one.

I've been listening to a lot of This American Life recently, and am just reminded how powerful a truly good story is. It was one on Conventions, particularly the last segment:

Friday, February 24


My cousin Zach is in town for a Berklee audition and I took him to Canter's last night. Take a look at how much mustard they put on the table. Haha. We did a taste test. Nathan's mustard won for me.

Tuesday, February 21

Bookcase Art

I finished the bookcase re organization! Suggestions?

Remember, this is what it used to look like. 

Wednesday, February 15

Hot Air Balloon Picnic

How cute is this? God, I love tumblr...Happy Wednesday.

Sunday, February 12

Saturday Night

Wish you were here...

Sunday, February 5


This is as close as we can get for right now!

Monday, January 30


Whit sent this to me. I love how bright and airy this room is.

Wednesday, January 25

Coffee cake.

(Get it? hahahaha). I know this is late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY (again).

Monday, January 23

Birfday Cake

We made my Birthday cake with the kids in Nebraska! That's homemade chocolate sour cream frosting with yellow cake! It came it so well.

Friday, January 13


Bringing pb&j to work makes me think of you. And yes, that's peanut butter on both sides of the bread. ;)

Thursday, January 12

Knit sh*t

Since our Nebraska trip is in less than ten days I finally pulled out the scarf that I started for Drew's mom two years ago. Ooops. I'm frantically rushing to finish it before we get there. She picked out the yarn herself and has been patiently waiting for me to get my act together. In fact- I better get some knitting done before work this morning!

Wednesday, January 11

Monday, January 9

First post of the new year!!!

I can't believe we haven't posted since December 30th. Goes to show, we've both been uber busy.

So....I've recently discovered paper cutting and other paper art. It's weird to think about b/c I started experimenting with paper and wire before the last art show without really thinking much of it. Then, I made that lampshade because I had extra paper lying around. Then, I was at a bookstore and saw this great book on papercutting artist, which Whitney got me for my birthday. And then in Portland, I got this really awesome book that shows all sort of paper arts, like origami and stuff. Anyways, in the studio yesterday I just played with paper for a few hours.

I think I found my medium. We'll see....